Secret Routines To Build The Size And Shape Of Your Horseshoe Triceps

A huge number of gym rats like to show their sleeve-splitting arms. A rock solid and perfectly shaped triceps is their trademark. This muscle is the vital link between your gymnast performances and Mr. Olympia's look.
There are many hidden benefits of triceps over biceps. Too strong biceps is only good to show off, but the triceps is one of the most important muscles in martial arts, running, and even soccer. This muscle makes the difference between Batman and Thing from Fantastic Four.
The triceps has a long, lateral, and medial head; and it is the main arm extensor. It also fixes the forearm during fine movements (writing, for example). The Triceps muscle extends the forearm, while its long head alone extends the arm and shoulder, and adducts the arm.
When you look at Mahmut Irmak, the first thing you see is his giant perfectly shaped horseshoe triceps. He is only 160 cm tall, and he has bigger triceps than many taller superstars!
We will describe two workouts that may significantly improve the strength and size of your triceps. The combination of isolated and compound exercises leads to the maximum effect.


Routine 1
Exercise nameNumber of sets and repetitions
Straight Bar Cable Pushdowns3 x 15
Skull Crushers3 x 12
Smith Machine Close Grip Bench Presses3 x 12
Cable Overhead Rope Triceps Press3 x 15
Dips3 x 15

Routine 2
Exercise nameNumber of sets and repetitions
Straight Bar Cable Pushdowns4 x 20
Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Extensions3 x 15
Skull Crushers3 x 12
Dumbbell Kickbacks3 x 12
Close Grip Bench Press3 x 10
Superset – Diamond Push-Ups / Triceps Bench Dips4 x 15/15

Exercise Description With Explanations

Straight Bar Cable Pushdowns

There is no better way to maintain the constant tension in your triceps during the whole movement. If done properly, it will produce unbearable heat in your muscles after only a few repetitions!
This is one of the best exercises that enable constant blood flow to your triceps. High volume is related to the triceps pre-exhaustion process. You won’t be needed extremely heavy loads to activate all three heads.
Performance: You should stand arm-length away from the pulley machine, where a straight bar is attached. Grab a straight bar with an overhand grip, at the level of your chest. Your thumbs must be over the bar.
Keeping your elbows tucked into your ribs, pull the straight bar down, squeezing your triceps at the bottom. Return to the starting position with control.
Mistakes and tips:
  • Do not separate elbows from your ribs, it’s cheating.
  • Do not improvise, there is a reason why the straight bar is used.
  • Don’t bounce, you need to do the movement slowly for king-size.
  • Look straight ahead all the time.
  • You may choose between a diagonal stance and a regular stance of your legs. In any case, your legs shouldn’t be more than shoulder-width apart.

Skull Crushers

Also known as head smackers, it targets the long head of your triceps. This is a must for a ripped triceps, and it is one of the rare exercises to target the long head directly. Roelly Winklaar is one of the biggest fans of skull crushers.
Performance: Lay on your back, keeping the EZ bar or barbell at the level of your chest, with your arms less than shoulder-width apart.
Keeping your elbows fixed, lower the barbell and try to touch your forehead. Return to the starting position with control and fully extend your arms.

Mistakes and tips:
  • Do not move your elbows.
  • You mustn’t lower the weight at the level of your nose or behind the head.
  • EZ bar is a better option since it provides a bigger range of motion.
  • You must obtain a 180-degree in your elbows on the top of the movement, otherwise, it is cheating.
  • Don’t bounce or you might hurt your head seriously.
  • You can stop the barbell 3-5 centimeters in front of your forehead if you are a newbie.

Smith Machine Close Grip Bench Presses

It is one of the best exercises for the medial and lateral head of the triceps. The Smith machine disables you from moving the barbell forward or backward and isolates muscle better.

Performance: Take a flat bench and set it up in the middle of the Smith machine. Lay on your back. With the barbell at the level of your chest, grab the bar slightly narrower than your shoulder width.
Maintain the contact of your elbows with your body as the bar goes down. When the bar is 5-10 centimeters from your chest, push it up and squeeze the triceps muscle at the top of the movement.
Mistakes and tips:
  • Try to keep your back slightly arched throughout the motion.
  • Your elbows must be tucked to the ribs in the bottom position, or it is cheating.
  • Do not lift your glutes or spine of the bench and toes and feet off the ground.
  • If you are an advanced practitioner, feel free to try a narrower grip.

Close Grip Bench Press

It is very similar to the Smith machine's close grip bench press, with two significant differences – the barbell can move forward or backward and this bench press variation doesn’t isolate the long head that much. This exercise was the trademark of Kevin Levrone, the uncrowned king of Mr. Olympia.
Performance is basically the same. When it comes to mistakes and tips, there is one additional tip and mistake – do not let the barbell move forward or backward.

Cable Overhead Rope Triceps Press

This exercise targets the long head of the triceps, but it offers a completely different angle and prevents the plateau effect. Eduardo Correa has one of the best long heads in the world because of this exercise.
Performance: Set the ropes in a low cable position and take them in your palms. Get up and rotate your body. The ropes must be behind your head. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, keeping the elbows tucked to the lateral side of your head and ropes together at the bottom of the movement.
Move your ropes up keeping your elbows fixed and spread them out at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the rope behind your head to the starting position.
Mistakes and tips:
  • Do not move your elbows.
  • Do not arch your back.
  • Do not move your feet.
  • Do not use the momentum it is cheating.
  • You can slightly move your hips.


Dips are the ultimate triceps killer which targets all three parts. Our recommendation is parallel dip bars for more efficiency, but you can optionally use triceps bench dips if the blackout comes your way.

Parallel Dip Bars

Performance: Step under the parallel dip bars and put your arms on their upper part. Lift your legs off the ground by holding yourself in the air. Keeping your elbows at the level of your shoulders, contract the glutes, abdominals, and lower back muscles to prevent oscillations.

Go down focusing on holding the elbow and chest up and getting the elbows as close to the body as possible. Lower yourself as far as your shoulder flexibility allows. Go up with control and extend the triceps.
Mistakes and tips:
  • Your core and glute muscles should remain contracted all the time.
  • Do not bend your head or back.
  • Your legs should be behind the dip bars to prevent oscillations.
  • If you really want a challenge, use a dip belt and attach weights.

Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Extensions

This exercise targets the long head of the triceps, which is the most difficult to define. Try it out from a sitting position for maximum effect. The long head is the most stubborn part of the triceps but you can build perfectly shaped stripes with time.
Performance: Sit on the bench, holding the dumbbell in your left hand. It has to be exactly above the level of your shoulder.

Stick your left biceps to your left ear and lower the dumbbell towards your right shoulder slowly. Return to the starting position with control, contracting the biceps at the top of the movement.
Mistakes and tips:
  • Your biceps mustn’t be separated from your ear.
  • Keep your elbow fixed.
  • Do not bend your head.
  • Keep your body fixed to isolate the long head.

Dumbbell Kickbacks

Dumbbell kickbacks burn the lateral and medial heads of the triceps. Don’t use too heavy weights because it will spoil the technique. You need a maximum range of motion to build Hulk’s triceps. Roelly Winklaar was keeping this exercise as a secret weapon for a long time!
Performance: Your dumbbell is in your left hand. Put the right leg in front of your left leg. Try to maintain a slight arch in your back.
Pinning the left elbow to your side, bring the dumbbell towards your chest. Extend the elbow. Go to the bottom of the movement with control, flexing the triceps. Return to the starting position with control.
Mistakes and tips:
  • Do not rotate your body.
  • Do not bounce, it is cheating.
  • Watch the position of your back, too big an arch is not good.

Superset – Diamond Push-Ups / Triceps Bench Dips

By definition, superset means working two exercises back to back, with very little or no rest between them. When you have no gas tank left, it is an additional stimulation to a targeted muscle or muscle group which gets you close to Roelly Winklaar’s look.
These two are the last exercises of the second routine to smoke your triceps out. When the first exercise is finished, start immediately with the second one. Think of it as climbing a very steep hill in flat-soled shoes under the heavy rain that is followed by the strong wind blows.

Diamond Push-Ups

Performance: Assume the push-up position keeping your feet together. Put your hands directly under your sternum. Your thumbs and index fingers must form a triangle, touching each other.
Keeping your arms tight to the body, go down and breathe in. Go up with control and breathe out.
Mistakes and tips:
  • Do not put your hands at the level of your head, you will target the shoulders instead of the triceps.
  • Keep your back and glutes flat.
  • Do not separate your feet.
  • Try to avoid bouncing.

 Triceps Bench Dips

Performance: Sit down on the bench, keeping the palms on the edge, next to your thighs. Put your feet out so your quads go out of the bench for around six to eight inches.
Sit back and bend your elbows while the angle in your elbow is 90 degrees. Push up with control and exhale.
Mistakes and tips:
  • Do not bend your knees.
  • Don’t change the width of your arms.
  • Look straight ahead.
  • Remain on the heels throughout the whole exercise.

Remember, the referee looks at the size, but also the proportion. This is the reason why a big biceps has to be followed by a monster triceps!
Perfectly shaped horseshoe triceps is the reason why Kevin Levrone was always reaching the last round in Mr. Olympia's competition.
The proper combination of these two routines will make your progress faster and disarm the body’s defensive mechanisms. It may lead to one of the best horseshoes in the world!