Sangram Chougule An Indian Shredded Beast

Generally speaking, Bodybuilding changes over the past 150 years, it is seen as legitimate sports and physical activity.

As Kai Greene says:

“Bodybuilding is an art, your body is the canvas, weights are your brush and nutrition is your paint. We all have the ability to turn a self-portrait into a masterpiece”.
No doubt there is an existence of different unique physiques, and body types exist, and there is no shortage of talent in the bodybuilding community platforms.
There are a diverse amount of talented bodybuilders all around the world if you are not aware of them it doesn’t mean they do not exist or not impressive. Yes, there is one such incredible iconic talent from India fit into that league is Sangram Chougule. He is pretty prominent and gained immense popularity in his homeland.

 Mr. Universe title winner in 2012 and 2014 Sangram Chougule developed his interest in bodybuilding in 2000, where he began working out in gym 3-4 hours every day. Since then there is no looking back.
Check out his recent post on Instagram, crazy shredded physique!